Why Street Fighter 2's Soundtrack Still Kicks Ass

Image via Capcom

It has been 30 years since Street Fighter 2: The World Warrior was released on the SNES, and its influence still holds strong to this day. What some may be surprised to know is that Kingdom Hearts composer Yoko Shimomura is behind many of the famous themes of the series. After countless punches, kicks, and hadoukens, it’s time to dive into this iconic soundtrack.

Shimomura Wasn’t Even a Composer at First

Street Fighter 2: The World Warrior’s music is iconic today, but the story of its composer makes for an unlikely story. “When I joined Capcom, I didn’t know anything about composing, especially game and digital music,” said Shimomura to Red Bull Music Academy in 2014. “I was a total amateur and relied on courage and bluffing, saying and doing what I could, trying to convince them of my passion for the job.” 

Shimomura didn’t have enough knowledge on composition and was dissuaded by her professor. “I consulted my professor, and he said it was more for composition majors, and that I should probably give up the idea,” said the composer to the same publication, “But I didn’t give up there, and I took Capcom’s entrance exam and ended up with the life I have now.”

If Shimomura took that advice from her professor, the Street Fighter series may not be as iconic as it is today. That’s how strong her themes were for Ryu, Blanka, Chun-Li, Ken, and many other characters. What’s more, Shimomura also had the genius idea of making the theme songs faster whenever you have a third of your health left, raising the intensity of both the fight and the music.

Image via Capcom

The Iconic Street Fighter 2 Soundtrack

In the competitive arcade scene, one of the most effective ways to draw in a player is through the music. Shimomura’s “The World Warrior” is exhilarating with a catchy theme, combining explosive percussion and an exciting melody. Games&Symphonies did an incredible job of introducing the music of the game during an orchestral performance with this track.

Once you get into the arcade mode, you’ll hear so many epic character themes. “Ryu’s Theme” gets you pumped up with an electrifying bass, followed by a traditional drum sound that brings you back to his Japanese roots. It’s a perfect theme song for an old-school Japanese warrior of martial arts. Lacey Johnson brought an epic cover of “Ryu’s Theme” that feels ripped straight from the 80s. The keytar elements make it sound retro, and the guitar is absolutely rocking for this piece. We have to love the splashing drums throughout the piece as well.

Next, “Ken’s Theme” sounds like a rock song from the United States. The track oozes confidence as it features a heavy guitar melody and a fast-paced drum kit that carries along that American pride. It’s interesting that this track is 8-bit as opposed to Ryu’s 16-bit theme. Orthen uploaded an incredible rendition ofKen’s Theme.” The addition of  brass instruments makes the track even more epic, and the bluesy background adds another intriguing element to the classic theme.

Street Fighter 2: The World Warrior remains a classic soundtrack, and thanks to the game’s success, we’ve seen Shimomura deliver the beautiful melodies of Kingdom Hearts and the epic themes of Final Fantasy XV. She also had a hand in the underrated Mario & Luigi RPG series with some delightfully blissful tracks.


Chris Penwell is a writer and podcaster who loves to talk about video game music. His favorite soundtracks are from the Kingdom Hearts series, Celeste, Beyond Good & Evil, Gravity Rush, and Final Fantasy X.